Function retry

  • When an asynchronous iterable rejects, it retries getting the value specified number of times.

    Note that retries deplete values prior the operator that threw the error, and so it is often used in combination with operator repeat.

    import {pipe, toAsync, tap, retry} from 'iter-ops';

    const i = pipe(
    toAsync([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]),
    tap(value => {
    if (value % 2 === 0) {
    throw new Error(`fail-${value}`); // throw for all even numbers
    retry(1) // retry 1 time

    for await(const a of i) {
    console.log(a); // 1, 3, 5, 7, 9

    Above, we end up with just odd numbers, because we do not provide any repeat logic, and as a result, the retry simply jumps to the next value on each error.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • attempts: number

    Returns Operation<T, T>


    Error: 'Operator "retry" requires asynchronous pipeline' when used inside a synchronous pipeline.


  • When an asynchronous iterable rejects, the callback is to return the flag, indicating whether we should retry getting the value one more time.

    The callback is only invoked when there is a failure, and it receives:

    • index - index of the iterable value that we failed to acquire
    • attempts - number of retry attempts made so far (starts with 0)
    • state - state for the entire iteration session

    Note that retries deplete values prior the operator that threw the error, and so it is often used in combination with operator repeat.

    Type Parameters

    • T


    • cb: ((index, attempts, state) => boolean | Promise<boolean>)
        • (index, attempts, state): boolean | Promise<boolean>
        • Parameters

          Returns boolean | Promise<boolean>

    Returns Operation<T, T>


    Error: 'Operator "retry" requires asynchronous pipeline' when used inside a synchronous pipeline.
