Represents a standard DOM element, extended with read-only property controllers
This type is provided by the library automatically, after binding elements to controllers.
- Source:
- See:
(readonly) controllers :Object.<CtrlName, EController>
An object - map, with each property (controller name) of type EController. And each property in the object is read-only.
This property is available only after the controller has been initialized.
For example, if you have a binding like this:
<div e-bind="homeCtrl, view.main"></div>
Then you can access those controllers like this:
app.addController('homeCtrl', function(ctrl) {
// During the controller's construction,
// this.node.controllers is undefined.
this.onInit = function() {
var ctrl1 = this.node.controllers.homeCtrl;
// ctrl1 = ctrl = this
var ctrl2 = this.node.controllers['view.main'];
- Object.<CtrlName, EController>
- Source: