const {BatchError} = require('../errors/batch');

 * @method batch
 * @description
 * Settles (resolves or rejects) every [mixed value]{@tutorial mixed} in the input array.
 * The method resolves with an array of results, the same as the standard $[promise.all],
 * while providing comprehensive error details in case of a reject, in the form of
 * type {@link errors.BatchError BatchError}.
 * @param {Array} values
 * Array of [mixed values]{@tutorial mixed} (it can be empty), to be resolved asynchronously, in no particular order.
 * Passing in anything other than an array will reject with {@link external:TypeError TypeError} =
 * `Method 'batch' requires an array of values.`
 * @param {Object} [options]
 * Optional Parameters.
 * @param {Function|generator} [options.cb]
 * Optional callback (or generator) to receive the result for each settled value.
 * Callback Parameters:
 *  - `index` = index of the value in the source array
 *  - `success` - indicates whether the value was resolved (`true`), or rejected (`false`)
 *  - `result` = resolved data, if `success`=`true`, or else the rejection reason
 *  - `delay` = number of milliseconds since the last call (`undefined` when `index=0`)
 * The function inherits `this` context from the calling method.
 * It can optionally return a promise to indicate that notifications are handled asynchronously.
 * And if the returned promise resolves, it signals a successful handling, while any resolved
 * data is ignored.
 * If the function returns a rejected promise or throws an error, the entire method rejects
 * with {@link errors.BatchError BatchError} where the corresponding value in property `data`
 * is set to `{success, result, origin}`:
 *  - `success` = `false`
 *  - `result` = the rejection reason or the error thrown by the notification callback
 *  - `origin` = the original data passed into the callback as object `{success, result}`
 * @returns {external:Promise}
 * The method resolves with an array of individual resolved results, the same as the standard $[promise.all].
 * In addition, the array is extended with a hidden read-only property `duration` - number of milliseconds
 * spent resolving all the data.
 * The method rejects with {@link errors.BatchError BatchError} when any of the following occurs:
 *  - one or more values rejected or threw an error while being resolved as a [mixed value]{@tutorial mixed}
 *  - notification callback `cb` returned a rejected promise or threw an error
function batch(values, options, config) {

    const $p = config.promise, utils = config.utils;

    if (!Array.isArray(values)) {
        return $p.reject(new TypeError('Method \'batch\' requires an array of values.'));

    if (!values.length) {
        const empty = [];
        utils.extend(empty, 'duration', 0);
        return $p.resolve(empty);

    options = options || {};

    const cb = utils.wrap(options.cb),
        self = this, start =;

    return $p((resolve, reject) => {
        let cbTime, remaining = values.length;
        const errors = [], result = new Array(remaining);
        values.forEach((item, i) => {
  , item, null, data => {
                result[i] = data;
                step(i, true, data);
            }, reason => {
                result[i] = {success: false, result: reason};
                step(i, false, reason);

        function step(idx, pass, data) {
            if (cb) {
                const cbNow =,
                    cbDelay = idx ? (cbNow - cbTime) : undefined;
                let cbResult;
                cbTime = cbNow;
                try {
                    cbResult =, idx, pass, data, cbDelay);
                } catch (e) {
                if (utils.isPromise(cbResult)) {
                        .catch(error => {
                } else {
            } else {

            function setError(e) {
                const r = pass ? {success: false} : result[idx];
                if (pass) {
                    result[idx] = r;
                r.result = e;
                r.origin = {success: pass, result: data};

            function check() {
                if (!--remaining) {
                    if (errors.length) {
                        if (errors.length < result.length) {
                            for (let i = 0, k = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
                                if (i === errors[k]) {
                                } else {
                                    result[i] = {success: true, result: result[i]};
                        reject(new BatchError(result, errors, - start));
                    } else {
                        utils.extend(result, 'duration', - start);
                return null; // this dummy return is just to prevent Bluebird warnings;

module.exports = function (config) {
    return function (values, options) {
        return, values, options, config);