* Copyright (c) 2015-present, Vitaly Tomilov
* See the LICENSE file at the top-level directory of this distribution
* for licensing information.
* Removal or modification of this copyright notice is prohibited.
const {InnerState} = require('../inner-state');
const {assert} = require('../assert');
const npm = {
os: require('os'),
utils: require('../utils'),
formatting: require('../formatting'),
patterns: require('../patterns')
* @class helpers.Column
* @description
* Read-only structure with details for a single column. Used primarily by {@link helpers.ColumnSet ColumnSet}.
* The class parses details into a template, to be used for query generation.
* @param {string|helpers.ColumnConfig} col
* Column details, depending on the type.
* When it is a string, it is expected to contain a name for both the column and the source property, assuming that the two are the same.
* The name must adhere to JavaScript syntax for variable names. The name can be appended with any format modifier as supported by
* {@link formatting.format as.format} (`^`, `~`, `#`, `:csv`, `:list`, `:json`, `:alias`, `:name`, `:raw`, `:value`), which is then removed from the name and put
* into property `mod`. If the name starts with `?`, it is removed, while setting flag `cnd` = `true`.
* If the string doesn't adhere to the above requirements, the method will throw {@link external:TypeError TypeError} = `Invalid column syntax`.
* When `col` is a simple {@link helpers.ColumnConfig ColumnConfig}-like object, it is used as an input configurator to set all the properties
* of the class.
* @property {string} name
* Destination column name + source property name (if `prop` is skipped). The name must adhere to JavaScript syntax for variables,
* unless `prop` is specified, in which case `name` represents only the column name, and therefore can be any non-empty string.
* @property {string} [prop]
* Source property name, if different from the column's name. It must adhere to JavaScript syntax for variables.
* It is ignored when it is the same as `name`.
* @property {string} [mod]
* Formatting modifier, as supported by method {@link formatting.format as.format}: `^`, `~`, `#`, `:csv`, `:list`, `:json`, `:alias`, `:name`, `:raw`, `:value`.
* @property {string} [cast]
* Server-side type casting, without `::` in front.
* @property {boolean} [cnd]
* Conditional column flag.
* Used by methods {@link helpers.update update} and {@link helpers.sets sets}, ignored by methods {@link helpers.insert insert} and
* {@link helpers.values values}. It indicates that the column is reserved for a `WHERE` condition, not to be set or updated.
* It can be set from a string initialization, by adding `?` in front of the name.
* @property {*} [def]
* Default value for the property, to be used only when the source object doesn't have the property.
* It is ignored when property `init` is set.
* @property {helpers.initCB} [init]
* Override callback for the value.
* @property {helpers.skipCB} [skip]
* An override for skipping columns dynamically.
* Used by methods {@link helpers.update update} (for a single object) and {@link helpers.sets sets}, ignored by methods
* {@link helpers.insert insert} and {@link helpers.values values}.
* It is also ignored when conditional flag `cnd` is set.
* @returns {helpers.Column}
* @see
* {@link helpers.ColumnConfig ColumnConfig},
* {@link helpers.Column#castText castText},
* {@link helpers.Column#escapedName escapedName},
* {@link helpers.Column#variable variable}
* @example
* const pgp = require('pg-promise')({
* capSQL: true // if you want all generated SQL capitalized
* });
* const {Column} = pgp.helpers;
* // creating a column from just a name:
* const col1 = new Column('colName');
* console.log(col1);
* //=>
* // Column {
* // name: "colName"
* // }
* // creating a column from a name + modifier:
* const col2 = new Column('colName:csv');
* console.log(col2);
* //=>
* // Column {
* // name: "colName"
* // mod: ":csv"
* // }
* // creating a column from a configurator:
* const col3 = new Column({
* name: 'colName', // required
* prop: 'propName', // optional
* mod: '^', // optional
* def: 123 // optional
* });
* console.log(col3);
* //=>
* // Column {
* // name: "colName"
* // prop: "propName"
* // mod: "^"
* // def: 123
* // }
class Column extends InnerState {
constructor(col) {
if (typeof col === 'string') {
const info = parseColumn(col);
this.name = info.name;
if ('mod' in info) {
this.mod = info.mod;
if ('cnd' in info) {
this.cnd = info.cnd;
} else {
col = assert(col, ['name', 'prop', 'mod', 'cast', 'cnd', 'def', 'init', 'skip']);
if ('name' in col) {
if (!npm.utils.isText(col.name)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'name' value: ${npm.utils.toJson(col.name)}. A non-empty string was expected.`);
if (npm.utils.isNull(col.prop) && !isValidVariable(col.name)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'name' syntax: ${npm.utils.toJson(col.name)}.`);
this.name = col.name; // column name + property name (if 'prop' isn't specified)
if (!npm.utils.isNull(col.prop)) {
if (!npm.utils.isText(col.prop)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'prop' value: ${npm.utils.toJson(col.prop)}. A non-empty string was expected.`);
if (!isValidVariable(col.prop)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'prop' syntax: ${npm.utils.toJson(col.prop)}.`);
if (col.prop !== col.name) {
// optional property name, if different from the column's name;
this.prop = col.prop;
if (!npm.utils.isNull(col.mod)) {
if (typeof col.mod !== 'string' || !isValidMod(col.mod)) {
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'mod' value: ${npm.utils.toJson(col.mod)}.`);
this.mod = col.mod; // optional format modifier;
if (!npm.utils.isNull(col.cast)) {
this.cast = parseCast(col.cast); // optional SQL type casting
if ('cnd' in col) {
this.cnd = !!col.cnd;
if ('def' in col) {
this.def = col.def; // optional default
if (typeof col.init === 'function') {
this.init = col.init; // optional value override (overrides 'def' also)
if (typeof col.skip === 'function') {
this.skip = col.skip;
} else {
throw new TypeError('Invalid column details.');
const variable = '${' + (this.prop || this.name) + (this.mod || '') + '}';
const castText = this.cast ? ('::' + this.cast) : '';
const escapedName = npm.formatting.as.name(this.name);
this.extendState({variable, castText, escapedName});
* @name helpers.Column#variable
* @type string
* @readonly
* @description
* Full-syntax formatting variable, ready for direct use in query templates.
* @example
* const cs = new ColumnSet([
* 'id',
* 'coordinate:json',
* {
* name: 'places',
* mod: ':csv',
* cast: 'int[]'
* }
* ]);
* // cs.columns[0].variable = ${id}
* // cs.columns[1].variable = ${coordinate:json}
* // cs.columns[2].variable = ${places:csv}::int[]
get variable() {
return this._inner.variable;
* @name helpers.Column#castText
* @type string
* @readonly
* @description
* Full-syntax sql type casting, if there is any, or else an empty string.
get castText() {
return this._inner.castText;
* @name helpers.Column#escapedName
* @type string
* @readonly
* @description
* Escaped name of the column, ready to be injected into queries directly.
get escapedName() {
return this._inner.escapedName;
function parseCast(name) {
if (typeof name === 'string') {
const s = name.replace(/^[:\s]*|\s*$/g, '');
if (s) {
return s;
throw new TypeError(`Invalid 'cast' value: ${npm.utils.toJson(name)}.`);
function parseColumn(name) {
const m = name.match(npm.patterns.validColumn);
if (m && m[0] === name) {
const res = {};
if (name[0] === '?') {
res.cnd = true;
name = name.substring(1);
const mod = name.match(npm.patterns.hasValidModifier);
if (mod) {
res.name = name.substring(0, mod.index);
res.mod = mod[0];
} else {
res.name = name;
return res;
throw new TypeError(`Invalid column syntax: ${npm.utils.toJson(name)}.`);
function isValidMod(mod) {
return npm.patterns.validModifiers.indexOf(mod) !== -1;
function isValidVariable(name) {
const m = name.match(npm.patterns.validVariable);
return !!m && m[0] === name;
* @method helpers.Column#toString
* @description
* Creates a well-formatted multi-line string that represents the object.
* It is called automatically when writing the object into the console.
* @param {number} [level=0]
* Nested output level, to provide visual offset.
* @returns {string}
Column.prototype.toString = function (level) {
level = level > 0 ? parseInt(level) : 0;
const gap0 = npm.utils.messageGap(level),
gap1 = npm.utils.messageGap(level + 1),
lines = [
gap0 + 'Column {',
gap1 + 'name: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.name)
if ('prop' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'prop: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.prop));
if ('mod' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'mod: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.mod));
if ('cast' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'cast: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.cast));
if ('cnd' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'cnd: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.cnd));
if ('def' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'def: ' + npm.utils.toJson(this.def));
if ('init' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'init: [Function]');
if ('skip' in this) {
lines.push(gap1 + 'skip: [Function]');
lines.push(gap0 + '}');
return lines.join(npm.os.EOL);
npm.utils.addInspection(Column, function () {
return this.toString();
* @typedef helpers.ColumnConfig
* @description
* A simple structure with column details, to be passed into the {@link helpers.Column Column} constructor for initialization.
* @property {string} name
* Destination column name + source property name (if `prop` is skipped). The name must adhere to JavaScript syntax for variables,
* unless `prop` is specified, in which case `name` represents only the column name, and therefore can be any non-empty string.
* @property {string} [prop]
* Source property name, if different from the column's name. It must adhere to JavaScript syntax for variables.
* It is ignored when it is the same as `name`.
* @property {string} [mod]
* Formatting modifier, as supported by method {@link formatting.format as.format}: `^`, `~`, `#`, `:csv`, `:list`, `:json`, `:alias`, `:name`, `:raw`, `:value`.
* @property {string} [cast]
* Server-side type casting. Leading `::` is allowed, but not needed (automatically removed when specified).
* @property {boolean} [cnd]
* Conditional column flag.
* Used by methods {@link helpers.update update} and {@link helpers.sets sets}, ignored by methods {@link helpers.insert insert} and
* {@link helpers.values values}. It indicates that the column is reserved for a `WHERE` condition, not to be set or updated.
* It can be set from a string initialization, by adding `?` in front of the name.
* @property {*} [def]
* Default value for the property, to be used only when the source object doesn't have the property.
* It is ignored when property `init` is set.
* @property {helpers.initCB} [init]
* Override callback for the value.
* @property {helpers.skipCB} [skip]
* An override for skipping columns dynamically.
* Used by methods {@link helpers.update update} (for a single object) and {@link helpers.sets sets}, ignored by methods
* {@link helpers.insert insert} and {@link helpers.values values}.
* It is also ignored when conditional flag `cnd` is set.
* @callback helpers.initCB
* @description
* A callback function type used by parameter `init` within {@link helpers.ColumnConfig ColumnConfig}.
* It works as an override for the corresponding property value in the `source` object.
* The function is called with `this` set to the `source` object.
* @param {*} col
* Column-to-property descriptor.
* @param {object} col.source
* The source object, equals to `this` that's passed into the function.
* @param {string} col.name
* Resolved name of the property within the `source` object, i.e. the value of `name` when `prop` is not used
* for the column, or the value of `prop` when it is specified.
* @param {*} col.value
* Property value, set to one of the following:
* - Value of the property within the `source` object (`value` = `source[name]`), if the property exists
* - If the property doesn't exist and `def` is set in the column, then `value` is set to the value of `def`
* - If the property doesn't exist and `def` is not set in the column, then `value` is set to `undefined`
* @param {boolean} col.exists
* Indicates whether the property exists in the `source` object (`exists = name in source`).
* @returns {*}
* The new value to be used for the corresponding column.
* @callback helpers.skipCB
* @description
* A callback function type used by parameter `skip` within {@link helpers.ColumnConfig ColumnConfig}.
* It is to dynamically determine when the property with specified `name` in the `source` object is to be skipped.
* The function is called with `this` set to the `source` object.
* @param {*} col
* Column-to-property descriptor.
* @param {object} col.source
* The source object, equals to `this` that's passed into the function.
* @param {string} col.name
* Resolved name of the property within the `source` object, i.e. the value of `name` when `prop` is not used
* for the column, or the value of `prop` when it is specified.
* @param {*} col.value
* Property value, set to one of the following:
* - Value of the property within the `source` object (`value` = `source[name]`), if the property exists
* - If the property doesn't exist and `def` is set in the column, then `value` is set to the value of `def`
* - If the property doesn't exist and `def` is not set in the column, then `value` is set to `undefined`
* @param {boolean} col.exists
* Indicates whether the property exists in the `source` object (`exists = name in source`).
* @returns {boolean}
* A truthy value that indicates whether the column is to be skipped.
module.exports = {Column};